Sometimes I have a diseased view of the things I’m passionate about and love to do. Many of us think that the things we love are not important and worthy of acknowledgement unless they’re significant to everyone. The love of writing seems to be insignificant until you publish a book, the love of swimming insignificant unless you’re Michael Phelps (okay, you know what I mean).
We brush off the things we really love to do if they are not applauded by the majority. Last weekend, the weather was beautiful so I took my dog out on a trail, which is where I end up really thinking about life. I started to mull over how currently, I do not have any hobbies that are significant. Then I had a thought that I have repeatedly considered and have drawn a conclusion on. I came to the conclusion that if you love it and it has significance to you, why is it NOT important?
I love snuggling with my dog, going on free runs with her down a dirt trail at a state park, and talking to her just to see her eyes light up when she hears my voice. I’m addicted to afternoon naps and the refreshing process they do for my brain. I play the same song on my guitar over and over just because I love how my fingers have to move to play it.
I read to know more things, because I love having my brain challenged and I write to get things out and to challenge and grow my creativity. I love night and the stars and the moon and the sound of crickets in the summer. I love green tea and slow dancing and bonfires. I love serving people and doing things for them as a subtle way of saying I love them. It doesn't have to be significant to the whole world to be important, just significant to you.
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