I am the type of person who raises their hands while worshiping. Well…after that awkward statement, let me keep explaining. I used to think people who did that were freaks, but as I grew in my relationship with God, being the physical touch oriented person that I am, it seemed only natural that praise would come from not only my mouth, but also my hands and body (hence the reason I’m in Souled Out…but anyway).
I always kind of wondered why it just feels natural when you’re engaged in worship to lift your hands to the Lord. I was reading the Word yesterday, I came across a verse that in an out-of-context and random way, made things click in my brain. Psalm 28:2 - Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.
Could the reason it feels so right to raise our hands be because we are surrendering to the Lord? Reading that verse, it made me think of someone who realizes they can’t do it by themselves, and are crying out to the Lord, surrendering to Him as their rock. So maybe there really isn’t a deeper meaning behind lifting your hands in praise- maybe it’s just an extra expression of worship, but from now on, when I lift my hands, surrender to God is going to be the first thing on my mind.
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