Here's to the girls.
The girls who put Jesus first in everything...
...the ones who don't view dating as a sport
...the ones who recognize their value as daughters of God
...the ones who realize that they are not the ones in charge of their lives
...the ones who refuse to act like the world.
....the ones who respect themselves enough to dress modestly.
...the ones who don't put themselves out there for every guy in the world.
...the ones who refuse to gossip and cut people down.
...the ones who love like Jesus.
...the ones who portray gentility and kindness.
...the ones that have what many mothers of sons are praying for.
...the ones who use the creativity and talents given to them.
...the ones who accept who they are because they were divinely created.
...the ones who act like ladies.
...the ones who refuse to live a boring life.
...the ones who are radical for Christ.
...the ones who stand out as light in this dark world.
You ladies are true gems.
Don't forget it.
LOVE this.