Post I wrote for my youth group's blog :)
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
~Matthew 11:28-29
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” ~Galatians 6:2
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else.” ~Charles Dickens
Guys. High School is really hard. Life is really hard. There are the things that are hard, but we can handle, and then there are the burdens in our lives; the things that overwhelm us and seem absolutely impossible.
If you are trying to carry these burdens by yourself…stop. From experience, if you carry these things by yourself too long, you will fall apart. You’re not strong enough.
God knows that you aren’t strong enough- He specifically created you that way! Every time there is something in your life that you can’t handle, He has just given you another opportunity to hand something over to Him; another opportunity to trust your Creator with your life. Trust in the Lord, don’t depend on your own strength.
As the Church, God has given us another role having to do with burdens; we need to be caring for our fellow brothers and sisters and walking with them, taking their burdens. You might be a little confused as to what I mean by that, so I will clarify…
If there is someone crying in youth group or anywhere…don’t ignore them. Comfort them, advise them, let them tell you what’s going on, be there for them.
If there is something going on in a fellow believer’s life (or anybody’s life really, but right now I’m specifically talking to the Church)…help them. Do what you can to make it easier. Love them, care for them, encourage them.
As the Church, we HAVE to be there for each other. We need to be done with letting people sit alone, ignoring the pain we see, and only thinking of ourselves. God is incredible and takes our burdens, and He has given us the ability to help others with their burdens as well. Do not neglect this. Look for the burdened people who you can love.