Cancer Was A Good Thing
*Dodges the sticks, rocks, and other dangerous objects being thrown at me* HEY. LET ME EXPLAIN.
So, most of you know that March 2012, my brother Morgan was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma, a common form of cancer. He went into remission October 2012. I can feel all the hate coming my way for the title, so let me tell you why my family and I find it to be a good thing.

Reason 1: Our Faith Was Grown
My family follows Christ. We all have a personal relationship with Him, but before my brother was diagnosed, we were kind of lazy Christians. Yes, we went to church, read our Bibles, and all that good stuff, but I don't think any of us remembered how crazy amazing it was when we were saved.
We didn't daily think about how great God is, how powerful He is, or how much He was really doing in our lives. I think God placed this roadblock in our lives just to get us to focus back on HIM. We couldn't have gotten through it without Him, and our faith was solidified and reignited.

Reason 2: Reaching People for Christ
Dealing with the monster that cancer is gave us a whole new spin on our testimonies. People across the United States were hearing about Jesus through my dad's blogs, because he got to talk about how strong He made our family, especially my brother. Whoever talked to/hung out with/was around Morgan was shown Christ, because nobody could believe that a kid going through something like that could be so unbelievably strong, happy, and thankful.
Morgan's attitude about the whole thing was shown when my dad asked him if he was scared. Morgan kind of laughed, and replied, "Why should I be? I've got Jesus!" Morgan's faith stood out, and people all around and across the states took notice and talked to us about it. Even Governor Branstad and Rick Santorum were astounded and encouraged by the courage and belief that God had given Morgan.
Morgan and Tim Hawkins. 

Reason 3: Watching Prayers Work
I personally know that I didn't value prayer before this. Sure, it was a good thing, but it wasn't something I thought about/did a lot. Through my brother's battle, you could see prayer come to live! It was absolutely AMAZING watching things that people had prayed for be answered.
So even though cancer was a horrible monster that made my brother go bald, get really sick, and be hospitalized many times, not to mention threaten his life, I'm thankful for it. Cancer sucks, but honestly? For our family, cancer was a really good thing.